Syndi Kahn

From a world that exists as instants of fluctuating possibility, Cape Winelands-based Syndi Kahn extracts moments of unadulterated wonder in her luminous paintings and re-discovered love for drawing.

Generally there is an oscillating tension within Kahn’s artworks, as their rhythmic composition differs. Some encapsulate a depth of field of horizons or vast sceneries, while others have narratives that are diffused with pixilated detailing or have been broken down to a structured cellular level.

Kahn questions the environment in relation to human beings - not simply in reference to city and nature, but more inwards to an interior landscape as well. This links the thread between ‘landscape’ (as a greater force) and geography (of sorts) at a possible cellular level. Kahn’s sense of ‘destination and journey’ is thus simultaneously imbued with the macro and microcosmic - both literally as journeys from point A to B, and equally a voyage of self discovery.


Arno Morland


Sune Van Tonder